Rome 2 difficulty effects
Rome 2 difficulty effects

Primitive Civilizations – Increases or decreases the chance of Primitive Civilizations spawning.

rome 2 difficulty effects

  • Habitable Worlds – Increases or decreases the chance of planets being habitable.
  • Tech/ Tradition Cost – Determines the costs of technology, traditions and ambitions for regular empires.
  • (Ancient Caretakers is only available with Synthetic Dawn DLC) There can be no more than 5 Fallen Empires, one of each kind.
  • Fallen Empires – The max number of Fallen Empires that can spawn.
  • Can range from 0 to all of the AI empires.
  • Advanced AI Starts – Determines the number of Advanced Empires.
  • Number ranges are dependent on galaxy size minimum can be set at zero.
  • AI Empires – Determines the number of AI empires that spawn at the same time as human players.
  • The size of the galaxy affects the number of stars, as well as how many AI Empires, Fallen Empires and Marauder Empires can be generated at the start of the game. In addition to the galaxy shape, the size of the galaxy can also be chosen at the beginning of the game, ranging from 200 to 1000 stars. An inner ring surrounds the galactic core Expansion is limited to a clockwise or counter-clockwise direction.

    rome 2 difficulty effects

    Ring galaxies have the stars placed in a ring shape around the galactic core, making it easier to cut other empires off from the rest of the galaxy than it is with any other shape. A spiral galaxy provides an interesting geography as the galactic arms are sparsely connected to each other. Spiral galaxies have the stars placed in arms that extend out in a spiral pattern. There are 3 different types of galaxies available, with 2 variants of the spiral galaxy for a total of 4 possible galaxy shape options.Įlliptical galaxies have the stars placed in a ellipsoidal pattern, resulting in an evenly distributed geography. Which galaxy types are accessible at the start of the game is determined by how many stars the galaxy is to have. An empire’s expansion is limited to the galactic plane, so the shape of the galaxy will affect play.

    rome 2 difficulty effects

    When starting a new game, the player may choose which type of galaxy they are to play in.

    Rome 2 difficulty effects